
What are lightboxes

Saving your images for later reference is easy with our lightboxes! Lightboxes are very useful for separating different image searches for various projects.

You can also share your lightboxes with colleagues and clients.

Your lightbox selections are saved when you are a registered user; this means that when you return the Photoland site your lightboxes will still be there.

You can add/delete/change name or share your lightbox with colleagues or customers.
Adding images to your current lightbox its easy: just click on the Add to lightbox icon located below the image thumbnail in a search result.

Managing your lightboxes

When you register with us a default lightbox is created so you can begin saving your images. You can always see what lightbox is active by looking on the bottom of a page when you have made a search or by clicking the Lightbox button in the top navigation menu.


Sharing your lightbox

It's easy to share a lightbox with a colleague in the next office or a client in another city.

Just press Email lightbox link either on the bottom or in the right in the lightbox section and enter the email you want to send your images to.
An email will be sent to that address with a link to your collection.